Graphic novel editing will help you evaluate both the art and the words of your manuscript, insuring that they both work together to tell your story in the vividest way possible.
Pictures + Words
Some of the things that will be evaluated include:
Plot – Does it follow a logical plot arc?
Timeline – Do things happen in a logical order?
Dialogue – Are the voices consistent and used effectively?
Character Development – Are your characters dimensional and believable?
Conflict and Tension – Is it present and sustained?
Perspective – Is the narrative voice and point of view you are using the strongest for this story?
World Building – Is the environment well described, accurate and realistic?
Scenes – Are the scenes in the best order? Are there any that need to be added or deleted?
Are the artwork and the script meshing together well?
Overall Analysis – A big picture evaluation on the entire manuscript
What You Will Receive
Detailed comments on the manuscript in an agreed upon format
An editorial letter with a detailed analysis of the text, providing feedback on the writing, the artwork, and the overall project.
Three followup emails in response to any questions that you might have.
(Additional support may be added for additional cost.)
Up to two additional passes (after revisions) may be purchased at discount
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